Archive for the ‘commentary’ Category

AVSR vs. MSFT: numbers of patents or patent numbers?

Tuesday, June 3rd, 2008

Yesterday, Avistar issued a press release: Fourteen of Microsoft Re-examination Challenges of Avistar’s U.S. Patents Rejected by U.S. Patent Office. Various reports followed, counting nine re-exam requests that had been determined for re-exam by the U.S. PTO, e.g., Avistar 14, Microsoft 9 in patent re-examination battle; shares jump. Since there were a total of 29 reported filings by Microsoft, that appears to leave six requests that have neither been rejected nor determined for re-exam. (The reported 21 cent jump in AVSR share price from below a dollar to $1.18, might actually be the biggest news, given the NASDAQ ramifications of share prices less than a dollar.)


three hour walk

Sunday, March 30th, 2008

with Earl Grey, hotToday was my first Capitol 10K. I’d often thought I would participate. Many years ago I ran an informal 10K with friends. I think my time was just under 60 minutes then. I rarely jog more than a few yards at a time any more. But I do go on long walks, usually 3 or 5 miles every other day. So I thought I was ready to walk the 10K.


Incredible: feeding, housing, doctoring, financing rural Nicaragua

Friday, March 14th, 2008

I began to write this on a flight from Managua back to Houston, after 3 days with Keith Jaspers, founder/president of, and Rev. Mel West, a retired pastor who introduced my family to Rainbow Network 8 or 10 years ago.


Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Monday, January 21st, 2008

As we in the U.S. observe a holiday in honor of Rev. King, I recall the night I stood a few feet from him and listened in awe.


Derivation of "Karl Z. Wog" (thanks to M.I.T.)

Sunday, September 2nd, 2007

As a teen-aged amateur radio operator (“ham”), I had call sign K3SGM in Maryland and W0HHG in Missouri. I had a rubber address stamp that read “Charles H. Sauer W0HHG”, and used the stamp routinely. When I used it to stamp my return address on an admissions application to M.I.T., the response was addressed to “Charles H. S. Wohhg”. (I was admitted, but decided to go to Carleton College, instead.)
