Archive for the ‘video’ Category

More on RealVideo

Tuesday, September 25th, 2007

Some release of Red Hat Linux (4.1?) included RealEncoder and RealServer. Those were the basis for my first production use of RealVideo. Subsequently, after the Real/Red Hat bundling arrangement was discontinued, I bought a RealServer G2 license and used the Linux version ( for my own purposes and for Comp Carnage.


More amateur video production

Tuesday, September 25th, 2007

I started working with streaming video at least 15 years ago. I still have souvenirs from before RealVideo, of Intel DVI and VivoActive. By the late 90s RealVideo seemed preeminent. It had been plausible to continue to think of RealVideo that way, even with the competition from Windows Media and QuickTime. But with the popularity of Flash Video, particularly with YouTube, but in many other places, it is hard to avoid the conclusion that Flash Video is now preeminent.


Video editing timeline considered harmful?

Sunday, September 2nd, 2007

I previously admitted my limited beginner facility in video editing. Along with the suitcase for audio recording, I took our new video camera along to Dallas on Thursday, set it up, pointed it in the right direction and focused on the audio.


Finally, a good enough multi-track recorder?

Sunday, September 2nd, 2007

For years, working as a musician and sound engineer, a good enough multi-track recorder seemed prohibitively expensive. My band-mates and I would make do with what we could afford, i.e., two-track 1/4″ tape recorders, bouncing tracks.


A marvelous toy(s)

Sunday, August 26th, 2007

Reading the Sunday American Statesman, browsing the Target advertising circular, Caroline spotted “119.99 SALE | AIPTEK MPVR+ DIGITAL CAMCORDER with 2.4” display. Plays music and makes MPEG-5 (sic) movies.”
